Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Time Riders Summary (May 15, 2013)

Hello Everyone,

Here is the running summary of Time Riders up to now.  I was not able to type up yesterday's summary, so I will put it in with this.

1. Liam and Bob go to New York City to find the museum so Liam can send the home base an exact location for them to open a time portal back to 2001.
2. While in the museum, Liam and Bob run into the younger version of the guard in 2001 that stands next to the guest book. The Guard watches for them while Liam scribbles their coordinates on one of the guest books; he hides it up in the wall.
3. Bob and Liam then go to the archway and run some Chinese family out so the portal can be opened in that location.
4. Foster and the girls go to the museum, find it is cleared out, but they find the clues Liam left and the book behind the wall. The location turns out to be right in the archway by the base of the Williamsburg Bridge.
5. While Foster and the girls are out, those nuclear mutated people follow them while they are at the museum and ambush them taking Sal.
6. Foster and Maddy leave Sal behind and get back to base and continue to work on the time portal, to get all of the lights blinking green so they could start it up. The monsters find out where they are and break in after them through the wall.

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