Monday, May 13, 2013

Running Summary of Time Riders (May 13, 2013)

Hello everyone,

Here is the running summary for Time Riders as of today, May 13, 2013:

1. Karl Haas sees the nuclear bomb that Kramer is going to use to wipe out all creation and is concerned about Kramer's sanity. He tries to reason with Kramer and tell him that what he was about to do was not right; in his delusion and paranoia, Kramer has Karl executed by his SS Lieberstandarte guards in his quarters.

2. Maddy, Sal, and Foster attempt to open the time portal for Liam and Bob, but it is too small for either of them to get through,so Foster closes the portal.

3. The crew back at home base in 2001, and Liam in 1957 start to lose hope of getting back to the future to fix time, but Bob keeps urging Liam to come up with a plan to get home.

4. Bob tries to instruct Liam on how to remove the circuit device in his head, but Liam wimps out at the last second and refuses to remove it, even after Bob gives him the knife.

5. Liam gets the idea to go to Washington and put a message where he knows the crew back at home base will find it.

Sorry......3 and 4 need to be flipped to be in the right order.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the next summary of Time Riders..........until then, happy time traveling!

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