Friday, May 10, 2013

Running Summary of Time Riders.........Round 2

Hello everyone,

As we continue our saga in Time Riders, here is a running summary since yesterday afternoon:

1. Liam has been found by Bob in one of the prison camps; he was breaking into prison camps, releasing American prisoners while looking for Liam.

2. Once he found Liam, he received a transmission from the home base in New York City 2001 giving them coordinates for a new rendezvous point to be picked up with the portal.  The only thing was that they had enough power to bring back only one person, Liam.
3. Since Bob has an expiration date out in the field, he disclosed this to Liam, and Liam freaked out about it.  Bob told Liam that he would have to take his head back with him and leave the rest of Bob's body back in 1957. This did not set well with Liam.

4 Back in 2001, after a long search in buildings, warehouses, and subway houses, Maddy, Sal, and Foster found some diesel fuel to start the generator for the time machine portal.  They send a transmission to Bob in Washington  D.C. giving him GPS coordinates on where the new pick up point will be.
5. Before Liam is rescued, Bob is on the other side of the fence with some of the freed American prisoners, and they are attacking the German Camp.  The German guards begin killing all the prisoners, so Liam runs into one of the huts and hopes to not be found.
6. Bob and Liam still have to break it to the men following Bob that they have to leave and Bob will no longer be their leader. Liam is afraid this will not be pleasant.
7.  Bob's followers believe he was sent from God, like some angel sent to help them.

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