Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Funny Comic Strip

This is just a little funny comic to make you chuckle. I hope y'all like it.

Math Comic (Pythagorean Theorem)

This is a cute little Pythagorean Theorem comic strip.  Will the ladder reach the women in the building?

Math notes

Hello everyone,

      Those of you that like to view my blog videos over math concepts and want to know a little more about a particular concept; if you would like me to make detailed notes for the blog for you to view, just get on my blog and send me a message, and I would be more than happy to do that for you.

Just remember:  Math is not just a jumble of numbers, it's an adventure.

The Next video (Proportions, Unit rate, ratios)

Hello everyone,

My next video on this blog will be over unit rate, ratios, and proportions, so be looking for the next video coming soon. Coming soon will be conversions of fractions to decimals, and decimals to percents, and decimals to fractions.

Final Exams and Field Trip Info. VERY IMPORTANT!!

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow is tha last day of final exams as we will take the Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies Final exams.  Be sure to study your notes and be ready to take the exams tomorrow; get a good night's rest. On Thursday, we are heading to Landa Park with Mr. Tirado and Mr. Foster's group so, just another reminder, bring your permission slips and $5.00.  If you fail to bring in the permission slip by Thursday, you do not get to go on the field trip, so please remember to bring your permission slip.

Monday, May 27, 2013


This is a really awsome video about Lichens, and how they are a pioneer species in an ecosystem.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tardigrades Video

This is a very interesting vidoe about Tardigrades.  I hope everyone that watches this video likes it!!

Field Trip reminder

Hello everyone,

I hope you all are having a great Memorial Day Weekend.  This coming Thursday, May 30th, we are having the end of year field trip to Landa Park.  Do not forget to bring your $5.00...it will be fun!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tomorrow at a glance (05/24/2013)

Good evening,

      We will continue the Time Riders comic books and strips tomorrow as well as our ecosystem projects, these we will finish tomorrow.  Also we will be doing a giant fun grid for Math in the morning....all will participate and it will be a blast.  The class will also be doing the  A Day in the Life of an Organism shortwrite where they will write as if they are an organism in an ecosystem, and they will write about how that organism survives a day from a first person point of view.....this should be really interesting!

Functions with Mr.Ellison


This video is an explanation of what a function is and how to solve one. It is step-by-step, enjoy!

Algebraic Expressions with Mr. Ellison

Algebraic Expressions

This is a really good step-by-step way of finding an angebraic expression. Hopp you like it!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Next Week's Schedule (05/27/13 to 05/31/13)

Hello everyone!

This will be the last week of school. YIPEE!!
Just remember that Monday is Memorial Day and a holiday for everyone, so no school! Tuesday, when we get back, we will have the Mathematics Final Exam, and then Wednesday we will have the ELA and Science Final Exams.  Thursday will be our end of year field trip to Landa Park out near New Braunfels, so bring your swim suits and sun screen...we are going to have a blast! Friday will be a half day, so we will just chill out and I may throw a fun grid at you and an approved movie by the Dr.'s and Mrs. Parker.  Heck, I may even bring my Game Cube and challenge you guys to a game of Mario Kart.

Final Summary of Time Riders (05/22/2013)

Hello everyone,

This is the final summary of Time Riders. I hope all of you enjoyed this book. There are seven more books in this series, which are just as interesting as this book was; I hope y'all get the chance to read them.

1. Liam and Bob were successful in their mission in 1941, and everything began to change in the future.
2. Maddy and Foster open the portal and liam returns without Bob...Liam is sad about losing Bob.
3. They begin to fix up the base after the mutant attack so that it is operational again.
4. Sal returns to them and has no recollection of what happened to her after she was abducted in the apocalyptic New York.
5. Foster takes Maddy out and tells her that he is dying and that he cannot stay with them. He then tells her all of the responsibilities she will have and the fact that Liam is dying quicker than her and Sal simply because of his real age. Foster leaves.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Desert ecosystems in US

This video talks about plant and animal species of the Sonora Desert in the Southwest United States....a great video.

Water Ecosystems

This is a great video that talks about water ecosystems and how they differ from land ecosystems. I hope y'all enjoy it.

Multiplying/Dividing Fractions with Mr. Ellison

Multiplying/Dividing Fractions with Mr. Ellison

Running Summary of Time Riders (05/21/2013)

Hello everyone,

Here is the summary of Time Riders from Chapter 86 to 88:

1. Liam and Bob go back to 1941 outside Hitler's winter retreat.
2. The get there at about the same time as Kramer and his crew and a gunfight breaks out.
3. In the battle, Bob gets shot and heavily wounded, and Liam has to take his head back with him to 2001.
4. If their attempt to intercept Kramer fails, then Liam and Bob are stuck in 1941 while Maddy and Foster are stuck in the nuclear apocalyptic 2001.

Chapter Sketches from Time Riders

Monday, May 20, 2013

How Volcanic Islands Form

This gives a quick explanation of how volcanic islands form.

Facts about Atolls

This video gives you some facts about atolls along with some of the wildlife that inhabit them. These go along perfectly with the units we are in in Science and Social Studies.

Barrier Islands of Texas

This is an example of a barrier island, and they are an ecosystem in themselves with many different plant and animal species that inhabit them.

Continental Islands and inhabitants

This video talks about three of the largest continental islands of the world along with a few endangered species that inhabit them. This mixes Social Studies(Geography) with science( Life Science/Biology).

The Great Barrier Reef

This is a great video that discusses an entire ecosystem just below the waters off the coast of Eastern Australia.

Tasmanian Devils

This is a video about Tasmanian Devils and how they are an endangered species, because of a cancer that has struck the wild population, a great video!!

Tomorrow's new video

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow, I will be doing a video involving multiplying and dividing fractions, so look for it on YouTube and on this blog.

Pythagorean Theorem with Mr. Ellison

Pythagorean Theorem with Mr. Ellison

Tomorrow at a glance (05/21/2013)

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow, we will be continuing our look at functions, and we will be reading chapters 86 to 88 out of Time Riders . We will also be doing a short write over human rights and what they mean to you as well as a chapter sketch. We will also be labeling a map of Oceania as well as discuss the levels of organization in an ecosystem.

Running Summary: Time Riders (05/20/2013)

Hello everyone,

Here is the running summary as of today:

1. Bob and Liam come back to 2001 and see that the home base is under attack by those mutant people from the apocalyptic world. Bob begins destroying those creatures and clears out the place.
2. Liam tells Foster where they need to go back in order to fix the time line.
3. Liam learns that Sal was captured by those creatures and is presumed dead.
4. They begin plans to send Liam and Bob back to 1941 in front of Hitler's retreat
5. Kramer detonates the nuclear bomb in 1957 that destroys the world.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Gridville Illustration Video

Gridville Illustration Video

This video gives you a glance at Gridville and what it looks like from a full perspective. I hope y'all enjoy it!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Today's Laser Quest adventure and more...

Hey Guys,

Laser Quest was awsome today.  It was the first time I have ever been to Laser Quest, although I have played laser tag many, many times before. All of you that went, I had a great time with you and everyone was well-behaved.  Tomorrow is Field Day at Brackenridge Park, and we will be doing the remainder of our fitness gram before we leave in the morning.  Be sure to bring lots of water and sun screen for tomorrow's activities.

Our next adventure will be to Landa Park, out in New Braunfels.  It will be on Thursday, May 30, 2013.  We will do swimming in the shallow river, fishing, hiking and exploring.  There are lots of sights out there and animals, it will be a blast. I already have the bus scheduled for us.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Laser Quest---Tomorrow (May 16, 2013)

Hello all,

Tomorrow is Laser Quest, and we will be leaving from school at about 9:00 am.  Please be on time to school, since we will be taking the Via Bus there. Our session begins at 10:30 am.  Look forward to playing laser tag with everyone!!

Time Riders Summary (May 15, 2013)

Hello Everyone,

Here is the running summary of Time Riders up to now.  I was not able to type up yesterday's summary, so I will put it in with this.

1. Liam and Bob go to New York City to find the museum so Liam can send the home base an exact location for them to open a time portal back to 2001.
2. While in the museum, Liam and Bob run into the younger version of the guard in 2001 that stands next to the guest book. The Guard watches for them while Liam scribbles their coordinates on one of the guest books; he hides it up in the wall.
3. Bob and Liam then go to the archway and run some Chinese family out so the portal can be opened in that location.
4. Foster and the girls go to the museum, find it is cleared out, but they find the clues Liam left and the book behind the wall. The location turns out to be right in the archway by the base of the Williamsburg Bridge.
5. While Foster and the girls are out, those nuclear mutated people follow them while they are at the museum and ambush them taking Sal.
6. Foster and Maddy leave Sal behind and get back to base and continue to work on the time portal, to get all of the lights blinking green so they could start it up. The monsters find out where they are and break in after them through the wall.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Running Summary of Time Riders (May 13, 2013)

Hello everyone,

Here is the running summary for Time Riders as of today, May 13, 2013:

1. Karl Haas sees the nuclear bomb that Kramer is going to use to wipe out all creation and is concerned about Kramer's sanity. He tries to reason with Kramer and tell him that what he was about to do was not right; in his delusion and paranoia, Kramer has Karl executed by his SS Lieberstandarte guards in his quarters.

2. Maddy, Sal, and Foster attempt to open the time portal for Liam and Bob, but it is too small for either of them to get through,so Foster closes the portal.

3. The crew back at home base in 2001, and Liam in 1957 start to lose hope of getting back to the future to fix time, but Bob keeps urging Liam to come up with a plan to get home.

4. Bob tries to instruct Liam on how to remove the circuit device in his head, but Liam wimps out at the last second and refuses to remove it, even after Bob gives him the knife.

5. Liam gets the idea to go to Washington and put a message where he knows the crew back at home base will find it.

Sorry......3 and 4 need to be flipped to be in the right order.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the next summary of Time Riders..........until then, happy time traveling!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

My Chapter sketch fromTime Riders

Semester Final English/Math

Hello Everyone,

     For the Semester Final, we will be having it over Time Riders.  It will be between 65 and 70 questions, and there will be a few multiple choice, the rest will be short answer, but most of you have been keeping up with the readings and have been here for the recaps of the chapters, so you should do well with the short answer. It will be give the last week of school on Tuesday, May 28, 2013.
     There will also be a semester exam for Math over the concepts we have learned this semester and will include the following concepts we have introduced this last week and a half:

1. Radical numbers
2. Multiplying/dividing fractions
3. Square numbers
4. Pythagorean Theorem

     The exam will probably be between 40 and 50 problems and will be given on Wednesday, May 29, 2013.

The exams will not be difficult.....if you can beat the STAAR, you can beat the final exam. We will have reviews for each of these exams with a review sheet to take home and study. We will review in class as we have for every exam I have given in class this year.

There will probably be five problems from each of the four above mentioned concepts in Math and some application questions in the English final.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Next week at a glance...(May13-17, 2013)

Hello Everyone,

This next week is just another round of field trips starting on Wednesday.  Wednesday, we are going to San Pedro Park, and we are going to collect some specimens for study back in class.  On Thursday, we are going to go to Laser Quest, so don't forget to bring your 15.00.  Friday is Field Day at Brackenridge park.

As far as curriculum, we will be having an exam over Geometry, Classifying angles and triangles, and Pythagorean Theorem.  We will also be having two Science station activities in class involving the use of microscopes, so bring your scientific minds. We will read and article on Monday about Human rights violations in Africa and do a short write over the essay, as well as a short write over what freedom means to you later this week (Tuesday).

Running Summary of Time Riders.........Round 2

Hello everyone,

As we continue our saga in Time Riders, here is a running summary since yesterday afternoon:

1. Liam has been found by Bob in one of the prison camps; he was breaking into prison camps, releasing American prisoners while looking for Liam.

2. Once he found Liam, he received a transmission from the home base in New York City 2001 giving them coordinates for a new rendezvous point to be picked up with the portal.  The only thing was that they had enough power to bring back only one person, Liam.
3. Since Bob has an expiration date out in the field, he disclosed this to Liam, and Liam freaked out about it.  Bob told Liam that he would have to take his head back with him and leave the rest of Bob's body back in 1957. This did not set well with Liam.

4 Back in 2001, after a long search in buildings, warehouses, and subway houses, Maddy, Sal, and Foster found some diesel fuel to start the generator for the time machine portal.  They send a transmission to Bob in Washington  D.C. giving him GPS coordinates on where the new pick up point will be.
5. Before Liam is rescued, Bob is on the other side of the fence with some of the freed American prisoners, and they are attacking the German Camp.  The German guards begin killing all the prisoners, so Liam runs into one of the huts and hopes to not be found.
6. Bob and Liam still have to break it to the men following Bob that they have to leave and Bob will no longer be their leader. Liam is afraid this will not be pleasant.
7.  Bob's followers believe he was sent from God, like some angel sent to help them.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Running summary from Time Riders

Here is the breakdown of the book:

1. Madeline Carter, a nerdy computer hacker aboard an exploding plane, and Liam O'Connor, a boat hand aboard the Titanic are rescued from certain death by Mr.Foster, a man full of mystery.
2. They meet a girl named Sal and find out that she was rescued also.
3. The three find out why they have been rescued (to be time police or Time Riders), and they will be responsible for protecting time from evil.
4. They find out their jobs from Mr. Foster and they begin training in the time September 10, 2001 in New York City.

5. Training is cut short when they see a shift(a wrinkle in time caused by time tampering) take place in the time stream and they are forced to react.
6. This man named Dr. Paul Kramer and a military friend, Karl Haas(in the year 2066) find a time machine and go back into time to alter it so that there is no more war and poverty, creating the shift seen by the team in 2001.
7. They go back to the time 1941 to Hitler's winter retreat and join league with him to win World War II.
8. Liam and his assistant, Bob, a cyborg robot, go back to try to find out what happened and discover a ruined America conquered by the Germans led by Kramer in 1956.
9. Liam and Bob have three time windows in which to return to headquarters from their mission to find out exactly where time was altered and miss all three.
10. Maddy and Foster open the time portal and bring back a German from the future by accident from the place where Liam and Bob are supposed to return for the time window.
11.This mishap causes some of the men in the future to be fused together into one body and this was brought to Kramer's attention by Karl Haas.
12. Kramer became paranoid about the possibility of another time traveler coming to kill him, so he destroys all history and the whole world with a explosive device, causing a enormous shift in time which creates an apocalyptic world where New York City is in ruins.
13. The 2001 team finds that there are mutated inhabitants in the city that are cannibalistic, and they have to fight their way through a survival horror reality to find the fuel they need to run their time machine.
14 Back in 1956, Liam is in a prison camp where they keep defeated American soldiers and high-ranking American politicians, and Bob is trying to rescue him.
15. As he goes along freeing prisoners from these prison camps, he gains a following of soldiers, and he is considered "Superman" by all the people.

These are the high points of the book.

Time Riders Sketches

Hello everyone,

The Chapter sketches looked great today.  Most of you sketched the post apocalyptic New York scene with the mutated human creatures.  Tomorrow, we will continue our saga in Time Riders. I am going to recap what has happened up to now.

Tuesday's Field Trip Photos

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tomorrow (May 9, 2013)

Hello Everyone,

Tomorrow, we will be walking over to Kenwood Park around the back of the school for our fieldtrip of the day.  We will be reading Chapters 51-56 from Time Riders. Tomorrow is going to be a light day.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Biomes of the World

This is just a snapshot of the biomes of the earth, but is it a great spring board for what we are about to get into.

Tomorrow (May 8, 2013)

Hello Everyone,

Tomorrow, we are having another field trip to Brackenridge park.  We will be leaving at about 9:00 a.m. and will return at about 3:00 p.m.  We will be having a Cell Organell Exam, so bring your Science notebook.  We will also be continuing with Pythagorean Theorem and delve a little deeper with some practice problems.  I will be giving the class a list of the perfect square numbers, so we can work wirth them and learn them.  We will also be continuing with Time Riders in Chapter 46 and will read through to Chapter 53.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Intro. to Square Roots

This is a very helpful video for my class.  I suggest all of you view this video before coming to class so we can talk about it.

Human Rights violations in Mali

The human rights violations going on in this country are serious and real.  We will be discussing in further detail some of the problems faced in countries like this one later this week.

Ecosystems( The Prairie Grasslands of the U.S.)

This video deals with Grasslands and their disappearance from the U.S. because of agricultural pressures.

Tomorrow: Brackenridge Park

Hello Everyone,

Tomorrow, we will be going to Brackenridge Park for a field trip.  We will be going over elements of Geometry and Introducing the Pythagorean Theorem to the class.  It will be a lot of fun.  We will also be continuing our reading of the Time Riders in Chapter 50. We will be having an exam over Multiplying and dividing fractions next week, the week of the 13th, and an exam over Pythagorean Theorem the following week of the 21st.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Watch Cruising down the X and Y highway with Mr. Ellison

Hello to all that view my blog regularly.

The video that I made called Cruising the X and Y Highway with Mr. Ellison  is a really good video that I made that helps with teaching the concept of plotting ordered pairs on a grid.  I know that it is 19 minutes, but it breaks down the coordinate grid and is a comprehensive lesson on gridding. Those who view it should find it very useful.  I hope y'all take the time to view the video and tell me what you think.  Thanks a lot .

Cell Organelles

Cells and Organelles Rap Song

Cell Project and Quiz 05/03/2013

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow,we will be building a replica of the cell with all of its organelles.  we well also be having a cell quiz over the organelles, so be ready for it, and I hope you took good notes.  See everyone tomorrow.