Monday, April 8, 2013

Week at a glance (April 8 - 12)

Hello everyone,

This week we will be reviewing for the Math and Reading exams for STAAR testing.  Here are some of the topics that will be covered throughout the week and next week:

1. Factoring
2. Circumference on a circle
3. Review angle measures
4. Equivalent fractions
5. Ratios and Proportions
6. Adding and Subtracting Fractions
7. LCM and GCF

We will also be having the Unit 10 Math exam over probabilities on Thursday, April 11th. Bring your thinking caps and be ready to study! We will also have a quiz over perimeter on Wednesday. and a factoring quiz on Friday.

We will be working out of the Measure Up Book in Reading and analyzing some text selections for purpose and main idea. We will also be working on The Outsiders dioramas on Friday the 12th, so bring your shoe box or any small box.  We will be doing some shortwrites over the topics covered in Science and Social Studies this week.

Report cards go out today! YIPEE!!! Just seven and a half weeks more to go.

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