Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Next Week at A Glance (April 15-19)

Good day all,

This next week, we will be having a lot of fun in class and a little out of class.  We will be doing Gridville again and Grid Scrabble as well.  I will, as with this week, will be pulling out more of the math games that I have or have made and will be putting more games on the blog, so stay tuned and keep current with the blog daily.

Remember: Tomorrow is the Probability Exam (Unit 10), so get a good night sleep and a good breakfast. I know all of you are going to get an A on the exam!!! Remember what we reviewed today and look over your notes in your math journal and you will all do great.

Don't forget...........BRING A SHOEBOX or some kind of box starting tomorrow!!!!!

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