Monday, September 29, 2014

Science at a Glance this week (09/29 to 10/03/2014)


The Elemental characters for the Periodic Table are looking really good. I already have eight people finished with their elemental cards , and they are ready for lamination.  We will be wrapping up the project on Friday, October 3.

Tomorrow, we will be reading our Jurassic Park book, and we will be at Isla Nublar, where they land on the Jurassic island. We will be reading four chapters tomorrow and one long chapter on Thursday called Control.

We will also be having our Unit 3 Exam on Thursday over Elements on the Periodic Table. This project will help you guys be familiar with the elements as we will be talking about compounds on Friday in Unit 4.  We will be looking at some common compounds in nature.

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