Monday, September 29, 2014

Math at a glance (09/29 to 10/03/2014)

Hey guys,

We really need to work on our multiplication tables and division tables as well. I assigned flash cards to people in class, and I will be calling home and checking from time to time with folks as to whether or not you are using them, especially if your grades begin to slip, so beware kiddos. 

We will continue to order fractions, decimals, and percents, and integers for the rest of the week, and through Wednesday of nest week, and there will be a Unit 2 Exam next Thursday, October 9, 2014. We will begin Unit 3 on Friday,  the 10th. 

We will be using fraction pie pieces and whiteboards for our exercises for the rest of the week as well as an outdoor activity or two, and we will be doing Fast on Facts from now on every day. There will be a Fast on Facts test on Friday, so you guys need to review, practice, and study those flash cards and ask for help from me in class, that is what I am there for........ to help you guys be a success. There will be a Quiz on Wednesday over ordering fractions, decimals, and percents from least to greatest.

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