Monday, September 29, 2014

Ordering Integers

We will be watching this video this week during class.

Math at a glance (09/29 to 10/03/2014)

Hey guys,

We really need to work on our multiplication tables and division tables as well. I assigned flash cards to people in class, and I will be calling home and checking from time to time with folks as to whether or not you are using them, especially if your grades begin to slip, so beware kiddos. 

We will continue to order fractions, decimals, and percents, and integers for the rest of the week, and through Wednesday of nest week, and there will be a Unit 2 Exam next Thursday, October 9, 2014. We will begin Unit 3 on Friday,  the 10th. 

We will be using fraction pie pieces and whiteboards for our exercises for the rest of the week as well as an outdoor activity or two, and we will be doing Fast on Facts from now on every day. There will be a Fast on Facts test on Friday, so you guys need to review, practice, and study those flash cards and ask for help from me in class, that is what I am there for........ to help you guys be a success. There will be a Quiz on Wednesday over ordering fractions, decimals, and percents from least to greatest.

Science at a Glance this week (09/29 to 10/03/2014)


The Elemental characters for the Periodic Table are looking really good. I already have eight people finished with their elemental cards , and they are ready for lamination.  We will be wrapping up the project on Friday, October 3.

Tomorrow, we will be reading our Jurassic Park book, and we will be at Isla Nublar, where they land on the Jurassic island. We will be reading four chapters tomorrow and one long chapter on Thursday called Control.

We will also be having our Unit 3 Exam on Thursday over Elements on the Periodic Table. This project will help you guys be familiar with the elements as we will be talking about compounds on Friday in Unit 4.  We will be looking at some common compounds in nature.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Least Common Multiple (LCM)

We will be looking at Least Common Multiple on Monday, and this will be the segue for finding common denominator for fractions. We will practice LCM until Wednesday, and then we will begin ordering fractions with unlike denominators.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ordering Fractions/Decimals

Here is a video explaining how to order fractions, decimals, and percents.

Ordering Fractions

This is a video on ordering fractions. We will talk about least common multiple and Greatest common factor, concepts needed to order fractions, on Friday morning and next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Class announcements (09/17/2014)


I just want to congratulate all of you on a successful Unit 1 Math Exam.  Let's keep up the good work and all of the studying as well as not forgetting to have fun. I will see all of you tomorrow as we go on our field trip to Northeast Baptist Hospital. Remember that we need to be here at 8:50 am sharp. If you are late, you will be left behind. See everyone tomorrow.

When we get back, we will continue with Science and our Jurassic Park Reading, and we will do a chapter sketch on what we read today along with what we read yesterday. We will look at Elements again on Friday.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Periodic Table

We are going to watch this video on Tuesday September 16th.

Math/Science announcements

Hey guys,
We will be having the SASIC Mart grocery store activity on Friday, so get ready to get your shopping lists. We will be doing this activity outside in the parking lot.

I am still working on getting some styrofoam balls for Friday's element activity for Science. That will be a lot of fun, and it will allow us to be artistic as well as show our knowledge of the elements on the Periodic Table.

We will be having our first Math exam next Tuesday, so we will be reviewing and having math stations on Monday, September 15, 2014.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Decimals to fractions and mixed numbers

Decimals to fractions

Improper fractions

We will watch this video on Friday Morning.

Fractions to decimals

This is a great step by step method for converting a fraction to a decimal. We will watch this video this week.

Equivalent Fractions

This is another video we will be watching on Thursday to go along with the lesson, and on Friday, we will be doing the pie lesson with equivalent fractions.

Equivalent Fractions

We will be looking at this youtube video on Thursday when we switch classes. This will be our first official lesson of the year.