Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tomorrow at a glance (December 11, 2013)


Tomorrow, we will be taking the Unit 5 Exam over Algebraic Representation. We have been on this unit now for about two weeks, and we are ready to be tested. Get a good nights rest, study your review, look over your notes if you have them, and be ready to go first thing in the morning. I will be printing out a clean STAAR chart for all of you, so I want to see you use it! All of you are going to do great on the exam, I just know it; you all have been doing so well on the practice assignments and quizzes. After the test, we are going to wind down and play Coordinate Siege or that other game we all know so well. Mr. Tirado's class may be coming to play with us.

We will be reading The Snake and the Chick out of the Measure Up book tomorrow also and going over the analogies. I also want to look over the Last ELA Exam we took and make corrections for a few points back. The class average on that test was about a 60%, and I know that we can do better.

Please keep in mind my little proposition to you all if all of you pass the Unit 5 Exam. It is a class effort, so let's do it!!

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