Sunday, November 10, 2013

This week at a glance (November 11-15, 2013)


          This week, we will be busy. In math this week we will be doing stations for Unit 4 Exam preparation and a review on Tuesday. Unit 4 Exam will be given on Wednesday of this week. On Thursday, we will be in Unit 5. This is where we will start looking at grid points and graphing;look forward to seeing Gridville this week as well.  I have videos on the blog that give you a visual depiction of Gridville.
          In English, we will also be reading Chapters 5, 6, and 7 out of our 39 Clues book, and we will be doing punctuation and spelling corrections once again this week as well. We will also be getting our new spelling words for the week, and we will have a spelling test on Friday. Next week, we will be taking the Unit 2 Exam for English  and a Chapter 1-7 Test over the book.
          This week we will be having our Unit 5 Exam for Social Studies. There will be a review on Monday and the Exam on Tuesday. Starting Wednesday, we will be going into Unit 6, which discusses Russia and the Eurasian provinces.
          In Science, we will be taking the Unit 5 Exam for Compounds. We will then jump into Unit 6 and Energy Conservation where we talk about renewable and nonrenewable resources. This week will be a wee of lots of new things. I am excited!!!


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