Saturday, November 16, 2013

Next Week at a glance (November 18-22, 2013)


          This week will be the last week before the Thanksgiving Holidays, and we will be quite busy. In math, we will be be continuing our study of coordinate plane and discussing Algebraic Tables. I will be letting you guys do some really cool fun grids since we know how to grid now. If you guys know how to find consistent equivalent ratios, algebraic tables and writing the expressions should be a breeze, and just about the entire class did really well on the last exam.
          In English, we will be reading Chapters 8 - 10 in the 39 Clues Book. I am postponing the book exam until we come back from Thanksgiving and make the exam cover Chapters 1 - 10, and I will probably give that exam the Tuesday we come back (December 3, 2013). I will also be giving the Unit 2 ELA Exam on that Friday we come ( December 5, 2013), so we will have two exams for English that week.
          In Social Studies, we will continue to look at Russia, some of its culture and history, as well as the economy. We will also continue our exploration of Energy Resources. 

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