Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tomorrow at a glance (October 25, 2013)


Tomorrow, we will be jumping into Unit 4 (Ratios and Proportions). We will be looking at some notes and doing some practice writing ratios and drilling the fact that order matters when writing ratios. I will giving you guys your results from the test yesterday.

We will be having a Spelling test tomorrow as well, so be ready for it. It will be the terms from Chapter 17 of the book. This is going to be more than just a shadow box. We are going to build Narnia, and I am going to assign each of you four characters from the book to draw, color, and cut out. This will be a class project, and the finished product will be a class project grade. This is going to be lots of fun, so bring your creativity with you tomorrow!

We will also be doing a science experiment in class tomorrow involving a potato, hydrogen peroxide, and a balloon. We will all witness a chemical change in the hydrogen peroxide into oxygen bubbles.

I am looking forward to tomorrow guys!!

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