Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tomorrow at a glance (October 24, 2013)


     Tomorrow, we will be having an exam in Unit 3 for math. Be sure to bring your review sheets in to class for some extra points of the exam. The exam will be 20 questions and some bonus questions in the back. I encourage you always to at least attempt the bonus page. If you look over the review, you will be ready for the exam and should do well. I will be giving a short 5-10 minute questions and answers session before testing, so bring your last minute questions if you are not 100% sure about something.

     We will also be having The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Exam as well tomorrow. The test will be short answer and open-ended questions......not multiple choice. Bring your thinking caps tomorrow.

We will be covering the European Union tomorrow in Social Studies and be watching a few You tubes over the EU. We will also be looking at compounds and having a lab activity involving hydrogen peroxide and a balloon along with a potato. This lab will be fun!!

See everyone tomorrow!

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