Saturday, September 7, 2013

This week at a glance (September 9-13)


This week, we will be doing a couple of things in Math. For one, we will be having the Unit 1 Exam on Friday. On Thursday we will have Unit 1 Review and Unit 1 Stations on Wednesday.  On Monday and Tuesday, we will be ordering mixed numbers, fractions, and decimals on a clothes line for practice.

In English, we will be starting our first book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. There will be chapter sketches for each chapter, and we will be reading and practicing writing different forms of poetry. We will be doing a shape poem during the week.

In Science, we will continue our study of elements on the Periodic Table. We will be drawing Element superheroes and creating an element superhero comic. If time permits this week, we will be having physical properties stations and a Quiz over the Periodic Table/ Lab Safety rules, so I suggest that you find your notes for Lab safety and the Periodic Table.

In Social Studies, we are going to go a little more in depth into the history of the United States, some colonial history, and explorer history, and how people and cultures adapted to the physical geography of the U.S.

I look forward to this week and hope all of you have a great rest of the weekend.

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