Sunday, September 1, 2013

This week at a glance (September 2nd--6th)


This week we will be covering equivalent fractions in more detail along with converting fractions to decimals and then decimals to percents.  I will be showing you how fractions are equivalent with some concrete examples and activities involving pie pieces and per 100 blocks.

In English and Reading, we will also be going over poetry and literature terms as well as discussing prefixes and suffixes in more detail. I also want to give you a few notes over punctuation and how to indent. We will also be reading some different styles of poetry and writing some of our own. Next Monday(September 9th), we will begin reading The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.

In Science, we will be doing a Lab Safety Quiz and move into Unit 2.  We will discuss elements on the Periodic Table and be drawing Element superheroes.

In Social Studies, we will be going over the geography and culture of the United States and cover a little of the history of the U.S. We will be putting together a map of the U.S. to display in the room.

Lots of art activities and group work await this week. Enjoy the rest of your Labor Day weekend and I will see you all back on Tuesday, September 3rd.

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