Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fish Bait 2 Comic

Have fun with this one!

Fish Bait Comic


Crocodile comic

This is a comic of how we must follow instructions and be safe wherever we are.

Silly Zoo Comic

This is just a silly little comic that I drummed up. IF you go to, you can make your own silly comics.


We will definitely be talking about perimeter this year. Just be glad you are not the zookeeper in this comic!!


We will be talking lightly about prisms in math when we cover area and perimeter. This is a cute little comic I made about a year and a half ago depicting how students might feel talking about prisms.

Pythagorean Theorem Cartoon

This is a cartoon making fun of the Pythagorean Theorem.  For those of you that understand this comic, I hope like it!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Tenochtitlan: The impossible city

This is an awsome video about the Aztecs, their history, and culture. We are starting Mesoanerica today, and I wanted to look at some of the history and people that inhabited this region before European exploration. If you did not know about the Aztecs, this is a great video.

Area of a square

This is a cute little song about area of a polygon. I will be covering this is about 4 weeks.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Plotting coordinates on coordinate plane

View this video. I have made a few videos of my own discussing ordered pairs; they are in older posts on this blog, but view this video, because we will be going into this in the next three weeks or so.

Adding Fractions with unalike denominators

This video shows you how to find a common denominator so that both fractions have the same denominator. View this video; we will be covering this concept later on next Thursday or Friday.

The Spangler Effect (9-layer density tower)

This is a really cool video that explains how to build a density tower. You ought to watch this video!!

Dinosaurs and fossils

Density Tower

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Unit 3 (Science)

By the end of the week, we will be in Unit 3 in Science. This Unit deals with the individual elements on the Periodic Table not just the periodic table itself. I will have a few Lego building activities to demonstrate how elements bond to form other things. This will be a fun unit.

Multiplication Tables/Charts


     Tomorrow, I will be giving out multiplication charts to each one of you to keep in your binders. You will be able to use them on Unit Exams and on the STAAR if you have been using them all year. Do not lose the chart I will give you as I will not give you another one. See you tomorrow.

Adding Fractions w/ Unlike Denominators

View this adding fractions video. We will probably covering this late next week. Watch how they use the Least Common Multiple to make both denominators the same.

Order of Operation

Watch this video over Order of Operation. We will be doing this through Monday or Tuesday of next week.

Monday, September 23, 2013

How to make a Density Tower

This is how you make a density tower. We will be making one tomorrow in class and doing a flipped video over it.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Energy in the Universe

Spiral Galaxy NGC 6872

This galaxy, NGC 6872, is over 522,000 light-years from one end to the other making it the largest known galaxy. Think about a light-year. This is the distance light travels in one year, and light travels at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. Now that is a math problem for you, one with lots and lots of zeros! Do you think maybe there might be some life there, anywhere?composite of the giant barred spiral galaxy NGC 6872

The Pistol Star in the Pistol Nebula

 Hubble Telescope found this star to be the brightest known star. It emits 10 million times more light than our Sun and is 100 times the size or our sun.....That is monstrously enormous!!!
  See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download 
 the highest resolution version available.

The Antila Galaxy

This galaxy is 110 million light years away from us. In the center is an outpouring of extremely hot gases. What is weird is the fact that there is a black hole in the middleHubble Catches a Spiral in the Air Pump

Titan and Dione (Moons of Jupiter)

 Titan and Dione

A Picture of the Sun

This week at a glance (September 23-27)


This week we will be continuing our study of GCF and LCM with lots of practice and homework every night over it. There will be a Quiz over GCF and LCM on Wednesday and we will begin covering Order of operation through next Tuesday (Exam 2 will be next week sometime).

In English/Reading/Writing, we will be reading Chapters 7 and 8 out of our book, and we will be finishing our Chapters 1-5 Comic Strip Project......this is a MAJOR GRADE everyone, so take it seriously and make sure you get it done in class by Wednesday, we have had a week. We will begin Unit 2 on Wednesday and take Unit 1 Exam on Thursday, so you need to study all the poetry items I have given you which includes all the notes and vocabulary. There will also be a Spelling Test on Friday, and the words will be given to you on Monday.

In Science, we will be continuing with density, and we will be having a flipped video lab involving a density tower. Be prepared to be on your best behavior for this lab, I had to cancel labs for the rest of the year last January because of misbehaving and I do not want to have to do that again. We will watch a Bill Nye video over Density on Wednesday and have the Unit 1/2 Exam Friday. We will begin Unit 3 on Monday September 30th.

In Social Studies, we will be reviewing the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the form of government in the U.S. I am going to try to get a game of review Bingo going on Tuesday and the Unit 2 Exam on Wednesday. The rest of the week, we will get into Unit 3 and Middle America.

Be prepared for the week, things have changed since I saw you on Friday. Be prepared for"Monday."
I look forward to seeing all of you. Have a great rest of the weekend.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tomorrow at a glance (Friday, September 20, 2013)


Tomorrow, we will be having a short density lab in class. Along with the lab, you will be writing a short essay over density, how to find density, and why density is an important concept to learn.

In math, we will also be covering LCM (Least Common Multiple) and reviewing over the GCF(Greatest Common Factor). I will be sending home a practice exercise which involves multiplication for homework.

In English, we will be reading Chapter 6 in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and we will be working on our comic strip project for about 30-45 minutes. I will be giving you the chapter 6 sketches in class to do before we work on the comic strip. The Chapter 6 Summary will be given for homework. Remember it only has to be about a paragraph and a half.

For Social Studies, I will be giving you a note page with all 10 Bill of Rights for you to keep in your notebook. Look over Amendments 5, 6, and 7 and be ready for the trial that is on Monday.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Historical Government of U.S.

Math Homework(September 18, 2013)

Here is the homework for Wednesday, September 18, 2013.  It will be due on Thursday, September 19, 2013. NO EXCUSES! NO EXCEPTIONS!!

I. Factor the following. (Use a factor tree) Circle the prime factors.

1.) 18          2.) 36          3.) 24          4.) 15          5.) 60

II. Find all the factors of the following.

6.) 40          7.) 30          8.) 25          9.) 50          10.) 45

III. Use exponents to simplify the following number sentences.

11.)  50 = 2 x 5 x 5          12.)  100 = 2 x 2 x 5 x 5          13.)  72 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3

14.) 60 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5          15.) 84 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7

IV. Convert the following fractions to decimals.

16.) 1/4          17.) 2/5          18.) 5/8          19.) 2/3          20.) 1/8

V. Find an equivalent fraction for each of the following.

21.) 1/4          22.) 1/2          23.) 2/5          24.) 4/7          25.) 1/6

Chapter 5 Sketch and summary Homework(Wed. September 18, 2013)


You will be doing the Chapter 5 Sketch for The Lion, The witch, and The Wardrobe tonight along with the Chapter 5 summary.  Both assignments will be due Thursday, September 19, 2013.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Chapter Sketch for Chapter 5 (The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe) and Math Homework


We are going to change things up here a little homework-wise.  Now we will be reading Chapter 5 on Wednesday, but you will be doing the chapter sketch and the chapter summary for homework. We will be doing a comic strip for Chapters 1-5 in class on Wednesday. This will be due on Thursday.

I will also be giving you some homework practice over factorization and prime factorization/factor trees  Tomorrow(Tuesday, September 17, 2013). This math will be due on Wednesday.....NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

Area of a square

View the video on area of a quadrilateral, because we will be discussing this a little tomorrow and Wednesday.

Greatest Common Factor

View this Video and be prepared to discuss on Thursday.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Watch this video over Haikus. I would also like to practice writing a couple of haikus this week.


Watch this video over sonnets. It is very helpful in understanding how to write them. I would like to practice writing one sonnet this week.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Area of a square

Watch this area video. We will be introducing this concept next week with some notes.

Squaring Numbers

We will be squaring numbers a lot in Unit 2, so you should look at this video. I will also introduce how to find area of a square, because it involves the same concept of multiplication.

The Periodic Table

This video give a little of a breakdown of the Periodic Table and where the metalloids, nonmetals, and metals are.

Fungi in my vegetable garden

We will be looking at spores from a fungus this year under the microscope.

Least Common Multiple (LCM)

View this video on LCM. We will be covering this concept this coming week.  This requires you knowing your multiplication table, so we are definitely going to brush up on our multiplication here in the next couple of weeks. We will be using Fast-on-Facts more from now on.

Cardboard Arcade projects


Next week, we will be assembling our projects and putting the finishing touches on them the following week. everyone needs to bring more cardboard so that we can continue and finish our projects. Try to bring some really big or really long pieces for the Plinko board. See you all on Monday. Enjoy your weekend!


This is a great video over prime factorization. We will be discussing this after the test corrections on Monday, September 16, 2013, so be ready.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chapter 3 Summary (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe)

For homework tonight, you will be summarizing Chapter 3 of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. It will be due on Monday September 16, 2013. Don't be late turning it in!!!

Tomorrow's Unit 1 Math Exam


Remember that tomorrow is the Unit 1 Math Exam.  It will be over fractions, decimals, and equivalents, so study your study guide and your notes tonight, and be ready for the exam. I have a feeling all of you are going to do well tomorrow. Study and you will be fine in the morning.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Integer Clothes Line

This integer clothes line shows how the fractions and decimals line up and how they are equivalent.

Math Unit 1 Test Review Tomorrow


     Tomorrow, we will be reviewing for the Unit 1 math exam, which will take place on Friday.  Bring your thinking caps and be ready to work with my new number line; we will be matching up the percents with the fractions and decimals we already have on the number line rack. I will be giving you a test review packet. If I were you, and this is just me, I would take this review home and study it like there is no tomorrow

Chapter 2 Summary


The homework here involves you writing a paragraph and a half summarizing the second chapter of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. This assignment is due tomorrow, Thursday, September 12, 2013.

Math Homework (September 11, 2013)

This is the homework for September 11, 2013.  Please write down all the problems and show all your work. This assignment is due on Thursday, September 12, 2013. NO EXCUSES! NO EXCEPTIONS

Math Homework

Convert the following to a decimal.

1). 3/5         2). 4/8          3). 2/9          4). 3/4          5). 5/8

Convert the following to Improper fractions.

1).  14/5          2).  5 3/8          3).  7 2/9          4).   3 1/2           5).   4 5/6

Convert the following to a mixed number.

1).  5/3          2).  11/3          3).  16/5          4). 19/6          5).  25/4

Convert the following to a percent.

1).  0.375          2).  0.75          3).  0.256          4).  0.034          5).  0.50

6).  0.99          7).  0.642          8).  0.83          9).  0.625          10).  0.125

Find an equivalent fraction for the following. (Fill in the question mark.)

1).  1/4 = ?/8          2).  2/3 = ?/24          3).  4/5 = ?/25          4). 5/8 = ?/40          5). 6/9 = ?/18

Reduce the following fractions. (Reduce fractions all the way to lowest terms.)

1).  12/15          2).  6/8          3).  4/8          4).  20/30          5).  15/25

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tomorrow's math class activity.


Tomorrow, if the weather permits in the morning, we will be having math class outside. Here we will be making a number line for decimals and one for percents and doing fraction and decimal stations in preparation for the Unit 1 Exam on Friday September 13, 2013.

Be prepared and watch the videos on fractions and percents and decimals.

Science Current Event


Go online and find a current event taking place that is related science and write a one paragraph summary. Can be no less than 10 sentences.

Use correct punctuation and spelling.  This assignment is due on September 11, 2013.

No Excuses!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Chapter 1 Summary (The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe) [Homework September 9, 2013]

Please give me a two paragraph summary about Chapter 1.  I want each paragraph indented with correct punctuation and spelling.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Re: The Lion The Witch, and the Wardrobe


We will be reading The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. After each chapter, we will, as a class, draw chapter sketches in class. For homework, the day we complete a chapter, I will assign on the blog a chapter summary. The length of the summary will be one to two paragraphs in length. Be sure to indent, use proper punctuation and spelling. It will be due the next day like any other homework.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

This week at a glance (September 9-13)


This week, we will be doing a couple of things in Math. For one, we will be having the Unit 1 Exam on Friday. On Thursday we will have Unit 1 Review and Unit 1 Stations on Wednesday.  On Monday and Tuesday, we will be ordering mixed numbers, fractions, and decimals on a clothes line for practice.

In English, we will be starting our first book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. There will be chapter sketches for each chapter, and we will be reading and practicing writing different forms of poetry. We will be doing a shape poem during the week.

In Science, we will continue our study of elements on the Periodic Table. We will be drawing Element superheroes and creating an element superhero comic. If time permits this week, we will be having physical properties stations and a Quiz over the Periodic Table/ Lab Safety rules, so I suggest that you find your notes for Lab safety and the Periodic Table.

In Social Studies, we are going to go a little more in depth into the history of the United States, some colonial history, and explorer history, and how people and cultures adapted to the physical geography of the U.S.

I look forward to this week and hope all of you have a great rest of the weekend.

Comparing Mixed Numbers

Class, watch this video on comparing mixed numbers, because we will be doing this throughout this week before the test on Friday. Take Notes and be ready to discuss in class.

Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers

This is an excellent video from khan academy, and he draws pictures of improper fractions so you get a visual. Please view this and take notes.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Improper Fractions

Check out this video. It is a great example of how to turn an improper fraction to a mixed number. We will be doing this on Friday, September 6, 2013.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Homework for Wednesday September 4, 2013

Solve the following problem.  SHOW ALL YOUR WORK

1.) Gabriel wants to buy an I-pod that is $100.00. If he has saved up $50.00 so far, what is the fraction for how much Gabriel has saved so far? What percent has Gabriel saved up so far?

2.) There are 100 people in the park that were asked whether the color blue or red. If 38 people liked the color red, what is the fraction and percent of people that liked the color red? What is the fraction and percent of people that liked the color blue?

3.) Out of 100 people surveyed, 81 people lived in the city. What percent of the people surveyed lived in the city? What is the fraction that represents the number of people that did not live in the city?

Solve the following problems.

4.) 1/2 + 1/8          5.) 2/3 + 3/4          6.) 3/5 + 1/3

Note: Use the Least Common Multiple method I gave you in the notes to solve problems 4, 5, and 6.

Comparing decimals

We will be looking at this a little this week, so view this video and be ready to discuss it and work out some problems.

Monday, September 2, 2013

decimals to percents

View this video. We will be covering this topic this week. I will show you guys a simpler way to find a percent from a decimal in class on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

This week at a glance (September 2nd--6th)


This week we will be covering equivalent fractions in more detail along with converting fractions to decimals and then decimals to percents.  I will be showing you how fractions are equivalent with some concrete examples and activities involving pie pieces and per 100 blocks.

In English and Reading, we will also be going over poetry and literature terms as well as discussing prefixes and suffixes in more detail. I also want to give you a few notes over punctuation and how to indent. We will also be reading some different styles of poetry and writing some of our own. Next Monday(September 9th), we will begin reading The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.

In Science, we will be doing a Lab Safety Quiz and move into Unit 2.  We will discuss elements on the Periodic Table and be drawing Element superheroes.

In Social Studies, we will be going over the geography and culture of the United States and cover a little of the history of the U.S. We will be putting together a map of the U.S. to display in the room.

Lots of art activities and group work await this week. Enjoy the rest of your Labor Day weekend and I will see you all back on Tuesday, September 3rd.

Converting decimals to percents

View this video for this week's activities. This will be one of the topics we cover this week. This is a very helpful video. This could be on a quiz later on in the week. Hint... Hint....