Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Math homework for 02/05/2013

Good afternoon everyone. Here is the homework for Tuesday; it is to be turned in no later than tomorrow, February 6, 2013. No work, no credit!!!!!

Find the area of the following rectangles:    Show all work. Draw the pictures!!!!

1. base = 12 in.      2. base = 6 ft.       3. base = 8 cm.       4. base = 10 m       5. base = 6 ft.
  . height = 5 in.        . height = 9 ft.       .  height = 7 cm       . height = 9 m          . height = 6 ft

Find the area of the following triangles:  Show all work. Draw all the pictures!!!!!

1. base = 12 ft.      2. base = 10 cm.       3. base = 9 m
  . height = 7 ft.        . height = 5 cm.         . height = 4 m

Find the area of the following parallelograms:  Show all work. Draw all pictures!!!!

1. base = 6 ft.        2. base = 7 ft.           3. base = 13 ft.
  . height = 9 ft.        . height = 3 ft.           . height = 5 ft.

Find the area of the following trapezoids:  Show all work. Draw all pictures!!!!

1. base 1 = 4 ft.                  2. base 1 = 10 m                             3.   base 1 = 20 yds.
  . base 2 = 7 ft.                    . base 2 = 12 m                                   base 2 = 30 yds.
    height = 5 ft.                     . height = 7 m                                       height = 10 yds.
Formula = ____________     Formula = __________                       Formula = ______________

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