Friday, February 8, 2013

Homework 02/08/2013

Hello everyone!  Here is tonights homework, it is a little review over Unit 7. Remember: SHOW ALL WORK AND LABEL EVERYTHING!!! It is due no later than Monday, February 11, 2013 when you walk in the door.  Draw all pictures. Write out ALL formulas.USE FORMULA CHART GIVEN TO YOU!!!!
Find the area of the following rectangles:

1. Base = 15 feet      2. Base = 6 feet        3. Base = 20 yards       4. Base = 30 cm.
    Height = 12 feet        Height = 4 feet         Height = 15 feet            Height = 10 cm.

Find the Area of the following Parallelograms:

1. Base = 10 feet      2. Base = 14 cm       3. Base = 15 meters      4. Base = 17 yds.
    Height = 12 feet        Height = 7 cm          Height = 5 meters          Height = 3 yds.

Find the area of the following Triangle:

1. Base = 12 cm      2. Base = 13 ft.         3. Base = 20 yds.           4. Base = 9 meters
    Height = 9 cm          Height = 4 ft             Height = 7 yds.               Height = 8 meters

Find the area of the following Circles:

1. pi = 3.14             2. pi = 3.14                3. pi = 3.14                    4. pi = 3.14
radius = 6 meters         radius = 9 cm.            radius = 8 yds.                radius = 10 feet
Area =                        Area =                        Area =                           Area =

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