Friday, March 8, 2013

The week we get back

Hello all,

The week we get back will be a very busy week.  We will be having a mini quiz over Graphs and charts on Monday and a mini-test over them on Tuesday.  We will not be having Fast on facts on Tuesday as to accommodate for the mini-test. We will also be finishing The Outsiders the week we get back and will be having a quiz over Chapters Eight through Ten.  I would also like to get together a few skits to perform from scenes in the book and do a diorama the following week before the STAAR Exam, if we get a chance to do so.

We will also have a short write everyday when we come back, and I am putting together a Saturday School for Saturday March 16, 2013 and April 13th or 20th, I havent't decided yet, and it will be from 8 am to 12 pm. Get out your calendars and mark these days and let the parents know about these dates.

Have a wonderful and safe spring break, and I will see you back on the 18th.

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