Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Next week at a glance (April 1 - April 6)

Hello class,

Next week, we will be out on field trips Tuesday and Wednesday.  We will have an English Exam on Monday (No April Fools).  When we get back into class on Thursday, we will take the math benchmark and, on Friday, we will have the Unit 10 Math Exam.  We will be having a grammar exam on the field trip Tuesday.  We will be playing games on the field trip and in the classroom all week, but we will be working too, so be prepared to work and have fun. 


Remember.......Shoeboxes by thursday.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Shoebox for Dioramas

Bring a shoebox to class on Wednesday and Thursday, because we are going to build dioramas for The Outsiders book we just finished reading in class.  This does count as a test grade, so please make sure you have a box by Thursday.

I will have alternative activities for those that do not bring a shoebox, activities that are not fun in the least.

Some places you can go to get a shoebox off the top of my head:
1. A family member
2. The mall( there are several malls here in SA town)
3. The Disney Store
4. Payless Shoes
5. The Sketchers Store
6. Foot Locker
7. Just for Feet
8. Any designer shoe store
9. Target
10 Walmart
11. Sheplers
12. Cosco
13. Sams Club
( #'s 12 and 13 do have shoes guys)
14. Academy
15. Dicks Sporting Goods
16. Cabella's
17. Any shopping strip center
18. Bass Pro Shop
NO EXCUSES ladies and gentlemen!!!!!!! GET A SHOEBOX!!!!

Games on the Blog!!! YIPEE!!!!!

Hello class,

There are some really cool games on the blog that are Math, and English related.  Get on and check them out!!!

Number Comparison Games



Order of Op. Game (Windmill Operations)


Order of Operation Game


Word Games(Word Mayhem)


Equivalent Fractions Games


Percent Games



Mind Teaser Activities


Angle Measurement Games


Friday, March 22, 2013

Simple Probabilities

Tectonic Movement

Hello everyone,

This next week is going to be a short week due to Good Friday.  Here is the run-down for the week:

Monday:     Probabilities activities in math
                   Outsiders Exam
                   Discuss the Rock Cycle

Tuesday:     Play probability games in math
                  Review for Unit 9 Exam (Science)
                  Discuss religion of SW Asia/ N. Africa

Wednesday:    More probabilities games
                       Unit 9 Exam (Science)
                       Adverbs Quiz

Thursday:    Dioramas for The Outsiders
                   Spelling Word Writing

Plate Tectonics

This is an awsome link to view how our earth's plates move.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Line Plot Practice


Here are a couple of sets of data. Set up a line plot for the data. Find the mean, mode, median, and the range of each data set.

1. 50, 75, 60, 55, 75, 57, 75, 80, 60, 50, 75, 75,55

2. 99, 87, 64, 96, 87, 76, 69, 88,77, 99, 69, 87, 64

3. 12, 15, 11, 12, 4, 9, 12, 4, 13, 10, 13, 4, 9

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Social Studies Shortwrite

After viewing the economics of the Middle East, what are some issues that face the Middle East, including countries like Lybia and Egypt?

Write me a short write over these issues of 1 page. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Data Charts

The week we get back

Hello all,

The week we get back will be a very busy week.  We will be having a mini quiz over Graphs and charts on Monday and a mini-test over them on Tuesday.  We will not be having Fast on facts on Tuesday as to accommodate for the mini-test. We will also be finishing The Outsiders the week we get back and will be having a quiz over Chapters Eight through Ten.  I would also like to get together a few skits to perform from scenes in the book and do a diorama the following week before the STAAR Exam, if we get a chance to do so.

We will also have a short write everyday when we come back, and I am putting together a Saturday School for Saturday March 16, 2013 and April 13th or 20th, I havent't decided yet, and it will be from 8 am to 12 pm. Get out your calendars and mark these days and let the parents know about these dates.

Have a wonderful and safe spring break, and I will see you back on the 18th.

Economics of Middle East