Tuesday, January 15, 2013

This week's events

Good morning everyone,

Today, everyone, we will be discussing, in greater detail, persuasive text and how authors use it to persuade their audience.  We will talk about the target market of the persuasive material as well as the intent of the persuasive message.

Remember class that we will be be getting into groups on Thursday to develop a persuasive idea.  On Friday, each group will "pitch" their ideas to the class, and we will discuss each groups material and break it down.

Everyone have a great rest of the week.

There will also be a quiz over Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 and a Quiz over Japan, China, and North Korea on Wednesday as well. There will be an exam over Synonyms and Antonyms on Wednesday at the beginning of the period.

Remember: homework is mandatory for this class as it is lesson and preparation material for the STAAR, and I will expect all to turn it in on the scheduled day.  Turn in homework, daily, into the homework bin next to the door when you first come into class.

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