Thursday, February 27, 2014

Monsoons in Australia

This is a video about monsoons, their destructive force, and how they are important to the region

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A travelers guide to the planets

This is an awsome film on qualities and facts about each planet in our solar system.

Solar Flare under different spectrum light

Sun Unleashes Monster Solar Flare, Biggest of 2014

A huge solar flare

This is a huge solar flare that has burst from our Sun. This natural phenomenon is a beautiful part nature's fury.

Sun Unleashes Monster Solar Flare, Biggest of 2014

Saturday School Dates


We will be having two Saturday Schools after spring break. One of them will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2014, and the other will be held on Saturday, April 5, 2014. Please make arrangements to be there, because we will go over many concepts thoroughly and rigorously. I will be sending out the letters here by the end of the week.

Tomorrow at a glance (February 26, 2014)


Tomorrow, we will be having a quiz over volume, a 10 question quiz. We will also be going over temperature over time, measurements of weight conversions, and time conversions. There will be some temp and weight conversion practice.

We will also be reading the next to last chapter from The Outsiders (Chapter 11). We will be talking about analogies and reading a text selection, analyzing it as we go. The story is called Girls Can't Do That.

In Social Studies, we will be watching a video over monsoons and how they affect Southeast Asia.

We will probably go a little easy on Science tomorrow, since we took planet fact notes yesterday. I may take this extra time and funnel it into math time to give us some extra practice time. See you all tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Me being absent and Friday at a glance (Friday, February 21, 2014)


I have a bad case of the flu right now and will not be able to come back to school until Friday. I am glad that you all have been good for Ms. Laurie, and she has given me a great report about you. When I get back, we will be going on the field trip to San Pedro Park, and we will be quite busy out there seeing that we have fallen a little behind.

We will work on a volume practice and do some estimating and conversions of units. We will also be reading a text selection out there. 

Friday, February 14, 2014


This is a good video over proportions, we will really go over the format of a proportion here pretty soon.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Unit 7 Math Exam yesterday


I just wanted to congratulate all of you for a job well done on the math test yesterday; y'all worked really hard. I also enjoyed the game of Coordinate plane scrabble, and just know that we will be playing that again; next week, I have Coordinate Siege planned for math, so brush up on your ordered pairs.

We will be having some Valentines Day activities throughout the day today, so don't forget to bring your Valentine's goodies.


I know all or most of you get this concept, but I just want y'all to review it and view this video tutorial over factoring.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Order of operation

Watch this video as I tutor on how to solve a problem using order of operation. It is simplistic but helpful.

Unit Rate

Here is a unit rate tutorial. We will be drilling this in the next two or three weeks along with some other concepts.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Volume of a rectangular prism

This is something we will be looking at next week as we delve into Unit 8. It is a pretty easy concept to grasp, and it will be the basis for finding volume of other figures later on such as cones, pyramids, cubes, and spheres; all these are 3-dimensional.

Area of a circle

This area of a circle video is personalized for this class. Watch it and we will watch it tomorrow.

Tomorrow at a glance (February 12, 2014)


Tomorrow, we will have the math review and get prepared for the Exam on Thursday. Remember to study and be prepared for Thursday; I know you all can do it!!!

We will also be reading Chapter 4 from The Outsiders and maybe Chapter 5 Thursday.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Area of a triangle

Here is a nice little video over how to find area of a triangle. Watch it and let's discuss tomorrow.

Repression in Vietnam

This is an example of how repressive the Vietnamese government is to those that speak out against the government.

Area of a trapezoid

This is a short video on how to find the area of a trapezoid. Watch this video and do some practice problems.

Friday, February 7, 2014

diameter given the circumference

We will be discussing this some on Monday, so be ready. We will be having Unit 7 Exam on Wednesday.

CIrcumference of a circle

This is a great video over how to find the circumference of a circle. View this video and be prepared to discuss on Monday.

Black Holes


We watched this movie this afternoon, since we are moving into Unit 8 on Monday which deals with Space. I am putting this on the blog for those of you that thought it was interesting and would like to view it again. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Fundraiser Packets


Do not forget to bring back your fundraiser packets back to school no later than Friday. Put the packet by the door or near your books so you don't forget it. I will also be reminding you tomorrow to bring it, so get on and view the blog. If we win, we could get a prize as a class, and the funds will help us be able to do some cool things.