Thursday, June 27, 2013

Adding Fractions (Like Denominators)

Here is a Khan Academy tutorial over adding fractions with like denominators. We really need some practice with adding fractions.

Adding Fractions

This is a good tutorial over how to add two fractions with unlike denominators. It even tells you to use least common multiple to find common denominators. It also gives you an example to solve on your own.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Angles of Quadrilaterals

We will be looking at this concept tomorrow in summer school, and most of my kids understood it this year. I still want to review this, since they will go more in-depth next year in 7th grade.

Circumference of a Circle

We will be getting into the review of this concept next week around Wednesday, so this would be a great tutorial to view before coming to class.

Labeling the Coordinate plane

This is an awesome tutorial over how to label the coordinate plane. All of my students understood this concept this year, but it never hurts to go over it again.

Tree Diagrams

This is a great tutorial over tree diagrams and how they are set up. View this as a refresher for the coming week, as we will be covering this concept in class.

Theoretical Probability

We will be covering theoretical probabilities the last week of summer school, and this is a great opportunity to get some refreshing on the topic.

Mushroom video

This is a little video about mushrooms that I found out in my backyard.

Line Plots

This is a great tutorial over how to set up a line plot and how to interpret one. This is a concept we will be reviewing in the coming week.

Stem-andLeaf Diagrams

Most of my class got this concept this year, but I am putting this Khan Academy tutorial on here for refresher for those of you going into 7th grade and for the soon-to-be sixth graders that I have. We will review this next week.

Supplementary Angles

We will be looking at this lesson tomorrow, after Test 2 so, if I were you, I would look this tutorial over before coming to class.

Complementary Angles

This is a good Khan Academy tutorial over complementary angles. I don't know why, but a few of my students this year had some difficulty with this concept.  For my summer school students, and Mr. Foster's kids that are with me, I recommend that all of you view this before coming in tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Box and Whisker Chart

This Khan Academy tutorial shows you how to set up a box and whisker plot and what they are used for.

Comparing Different Graphs and Charts

This tutorial discusses the differences between a bar chart and a pie chart, and what each chart is used for. We will be working with this concept by the middle of next week, so this would be a good tutorial to view before coming to class.

Measuring angles using a Protractor

This tutorial gives you a few examples of different angles and their degree measures. This year, my students had a little trouble with this and using the protractor, so this is a good refresher.

Making a Pie Chart

Here is a step-by-step demo tutorial over making a pie chart with given data from a table chart.

Making a Line Chart w/ Ordered Pairs

This is a good little tutorial demonstrating how to make a line graph using ordered pairs from a data table. This would be a great video to view before next week.

Plotting Ordered pairs

This is also a great tutorial where some example ordered pairs are plotted on the coordinate plane. I have a few videos on my blog regarding plotting ordered pairs, they are in some of my older posts on my blog (in April and May posts). One of them is cruising the X and Y highway with Mr. Ellison. Yes, the tutorial is 20 minutes but, believe me, it is well worth the view. I break it down all the way from square one.

Types of Triangles

This is also a great tutorial over the three types of triangles and how to find the measurements of their angles. This is a great tutorial to look at, since we will be reviewing this concept Thursday.

Classifying Angles

This is a good tutorial discussing types of angles. I suggest all of my students, especially the summer school students, to watch this tutorial before coming to class tomorrow.

Mean, mode, median, range

This is also a good Khan Academy video tutorial on finding modes of central tendency. This is a tutorial that I suggest for al my students to view. We will be reviewing this concept either tomorrow or Thursday.

Unit Rate

This is a very snappy, easy way to find unit rate of a quantity. Especially for my summer school students, we have not reviewed this in class yet, this would be an excellent tutorial to take a look at before coming in to class tomorrow.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Drummin Fractions with Mr. Ellison

Now this is one of my video tutorials that deals with fractions and how I use drum beats to represent fractional parts of a beat. I do a little practice demo drumming to emphasize the concept. I hope you enjoy watching it and get something out of it if not a laugh.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Volume of a prism

This is a great tutorial on volume of a prism.


This is an excellent Khan Academy tutorial over percents to decimals and percents to fraction form. These are some trick concepts to understand for many middle school and elementary school students, but we are surrounded by percents and fractions in the real world everyday.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Long Division

This is a wonderful Khan Academy lesson on long division with many examples. Students in my summer school session have struggled with this in the past and some in summer school.

Adding Fractions with Like Denominators

Here is a Khan Academy tutorial adding fractions with like denominators.

Multiplying Decimals

This is a good tutorial over multiplying fraction(TEKS 6.1) which is a readiness standard on the STAAR Exam. One or two of my students got decimal placement confused with adding and subtraction fractions. We are currently covering this in summer school.

Subtracting Decimals

This is a good Kahn Academy video over subtracting decimals. A few of my summer kiddos are still struggling with the concept of putting zeros in for fillers like the problem above where the number 3.600 was filled in with zeros as place holders.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Perimeter Area of Quadrilaterals

This is a step by step video tutorial over perimeter and area of quadrilaterals.  This was a big issue for some students this year.

Adding Decimals

This is a great Kahn Academy video on adding decimals. When teaching and tutoring students, this concept has been an issue every year.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Long division

This is a good video, even for middle school and upper elementary students. I am currently doing summer school, and we are reviewing long division, and several of our students have questions about it, so this is a good review lesson.


This kahn academy video tells the difference between raising a number to a power and and simply multiplying it. Students every year confuse this concept, so it is a great video to post.

Unit Rate

This is an excellent breakdown of unit rate. View this lesson as a refresher.

Drumming and Fractions

You have got to see this video. This guy is a really good drummer. He explains how fractions are essential to playing drums.

Mr. Ellison's Cardboard Arcade

This was a fun little clip I did with my daughter. The other night, we were bored and put together some cardboard arcade games. They are actually a lot of fun, and the kids love them. My kids wanted to play these games rather than the Game Cube tonight.....that was epic!

Mr. Ellison's Cardboard Arcade

Prime Factorization

Watch this tutorial, it is quite helpful in giving an example of finding the prime factorization of a whole number. My students struggled with this a little last year.

Factoring Whole Numbers

My students in summer school still have some trouble with this concept of factoring whole numbers, so here is a step by step tutorial on how to factor.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Rounding Numbers

Some of my sixth graders still struggled with this basic concept, so here it is a complete lesson video over rounding numbers. Please view and reflect......take notes if necessary.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Circumference of a Circle

This video lesson tutorial gives a step-by-step approach to finding the circumference of a circle, a concept that students struggled with this last year.


Now here is a proportion word problem, and they show you how to set it up and solve it; a great step-by-step problem.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Converting fractions to decimals

This Kahn Academy lesson over converting decimals to fractions and vice versa is very detailed and step-by-step. This will be one of the first concepts we touch on in the coming year.

Ordering Decimals

This is a real in-depth video over ordering decimals. This is especially a useful video for those that struggle with place value when ordering numbers.

Fractions Notes

Since this was a concept that students struggled with a little this year, I want to put fractions in a new perspective.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Order of Operation Notes

I really hope these Order of Operation notes are helpful. They are pretty detailed and step-by-step as to help those that struggle with this concept.  If you have any questions, feel free to comment and ask me; I DO reply to comments and questions.

Probabilities Notes

This is just an example of a simple probability. I hope to put up some notes later for complex probabilities.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Daddy long-leg Spider video

Daddy Long-leg Spider video

I just love these little critters; they are all over the place around here in San Antonio, and they're fun to play with. Just a fun little Summertime video.

Texas Toads Video

Texas Toads

This is a little video I did talking about Texas Toads. I hope that everyone enjoys the video.

Monday, June 3, 2013

A Taste of the Texas Hillcountry

I took these pictures while out in a green belt in San Antonio's hillcountry....these were fun pictures!
Brown-back bark scorpion
Our lovely Texas Bluebonnets
Mexican Blankets
Fossilized sea shells in limestone(San Antonio) They call them  "ram's horns"
More fossilized shells
Honeycomb limestone( it is really porous)